Spring is Time

As soon as one season is in full bloom it’s time to dive head first into the next one, so if you’ve got a penchant for a colour garden palette come summertime then now is the time to get potting.

Late October / November is considered the ideal time to plant summer-flowering blooms, leaving ample time for the buds to reach fruition and blossom to perfection. Summertime is a great season for native flowers, in particular Banksias and Acacias, and you’ll find they attract the attention of some beautiful native birds that you’ll having in your garden. We recommend heading to your local nurseries for advice on the best natives for your area and advice on how to keep them alive for longer.

Mulch It

If there’s one thing you do to ensure a healthy garden during the summer months, it’s adding mulch to your soil and surrounding any new plants with it. This is vital for maintaining a healthy backyard because it will ensure your plants retain more water and prevent their roots from drying out under the hot summer sun. 

Over time the mulch will break down into the soil, which is exactly what you want to happen. It’ll up the level of nutrients being fed to your plants and enrich the soil. If you’d prefer something speeder then go for the finest possible blend of mulch from your local gardening outlet or retailer, this will break down much faster. A word of warning; you’ll often find pine chips and red gum sold alongside mulch, and whilst they look good scattered amongst your blossoms they won’t actually provide any nutritional value. If you want total control over your mulch, then buy a bin and start your own with all those vege scraps, lawn cuttings, weeds and fallen leaves..


Next up is tackling your Wisteria. Whilst these sprawling vines look fantastic, it’s important to start pruning them in spring to make sure they maintain shape and size as summer starts. As they blossom earlier than your other summertime favourites you’ll want to have them under control from the get go!


Fertiliser is your garden’s best friend during springtime, in fact it’s the most important time of year to fertilise. Before you get started, make sure your garden’s roots are aerated - a garden fork is all you need or head to your local gardening retailer to see what they have. If you’re unsure about doing the job yourself then most reticulation companies offer aerating as part of their services. Once this has been done you’re good to go with the fertiliser!

Last but not least, it’s time to pick the roses - keep your eye out for the first bloom and be sure to pluck it off the bush. It’s the best way to generate new ones and promote healthy growth.

Now sit back, relax, and watch your colourful summer garden come to life.